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                Media reports

                How to pay equal attention to practical and beautiful electric telescopic door

                2022-03-19 14:03:26 HuanLi

                First of all, the stainless steel electric telescopic door is firm and strong, with good anti-theft effect. In the production of materials, qualified electric telescopic doors are made of stainless steel plate materials, and the thickness of the steel plate is generally more than 1.5 mm, strong and firm; In terms of skeleton, the electric telescopic door structure design is compact, and it is not easy to open the lock by extending tools from outside; In terms of locks, stainless steel anti-theft doors are tested by the Ministry of Public Security testing center with anti-drill function anti-theft door lock. Combining these factors, it can be seen that the anti-theft function of stainless steel door is particularly good, and can protect the property of the company and other units. < P > Secondly, stainless steel electric telescopic door does not rust all the year round, beautiful and generous. Its aesthetic effect will not be corroded by ordinary materials in daily life and affect the appearance effect, can be bright as new for a long time; On the other hand, stainless steel electric telescopic door variety, beautiful and generous design, rich personality.
