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                Media reports

                Color requirements for traffic signs

                2022-03-21 14:03:26 HuanLi

                1. The warning slogan color of traffic signs is usually yellow with black edge or black picture, and the collision is usually equilateral triangle, and the top Angle is upward. < P >2, if the slogan of the traffic sign refers to some ban signs, the manufacturing requirements are white, red circle, red bar, black picture, during which some exempt from stopping overtaking, exempt from limiting speed sign planning for white background, black circle, black bar, black picture, picture pressure bar. This kind of sign is planned to be circular, and the giving way sign is set as an equilateral triangle with the top Angle facing down. 3. The color of some directions in traffic signs is blue and white. The shapes are round, rectangle and square. < P >4, about the color of the road signs in the traffic signs in addition to milestones, 100 meters pile, highway boundary signs, the general road is blue, white picture. All shapes are rectangular and square except address identification marks.
