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                Industry information

                Parking gate price/parking gate function and movement characteristics

                2022-03-18 14:03:32 HuanLi

                Optional vehicle sensor, so that the "auto brake", "anti-crash" or "brake automatic lifting rod" function. With rich bottom control and state return instructions, so that the charging system computer can make complete control of the switch. Other special functions can be added according to customer needs; Optional optical isolation long line drive to computer RS232-C serial communication interface. 1. Special rotation structure: no gear, no belt rotation, no maintenance, stable use, longer life. 2. Non - equal speed motion mechanism, fast start, slow stop, more stable operation. 3. The connected movable joints are installed with bearings and filled with antifreeze oil (both north and south regions can operate stably)4. The structure design is reasonable, can make the gate lever always keep in 90 degree range of operation, do not need to adjust the vertical and horizontal position.
