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                • Making method of speed bump

                  In the road traffic accident prone area, often laid speed belt, to prompt and help drivers slow down, reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents. Speed bumps are generally plastic or cement speed bumps that protrude horizontally and are fixed on the road. When the vehicle passes through the speed belt, the driver often takes the initiative to slow down in order to avoid excessive vibration of the car, so as to achieve the effect of slowing down and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents. However, the reality is different. After speed bumps, even if the speed slows down, the vibration frequency will not be reduced significantly, and now the car damping performance is getting better and better, leading to the driver often ignore the existence of speed bumps and fast through, experienced

                  2022/03/20 HuanLi

                • What do you need to pay attention to when choosing electric telescopic doors in living quarters

                  Cell electric telescopic door structure. First is the net flower, two row linkage is better than three row linkage, single sliding is better than double sliding, fork material four holes as six holes, and so on. Drive nose configuration. This is the place where there are hidden dangers of electricity leakage, internal wiring disorder, poor workmanship of the nose frame is not high waterproof, power line gum softness is not high, easy to aging crack, and motor, controller, etc. Area electric telescopic door transaction is more special, but choose to pay attention to the personal value of the salesman, you will get a good configuration. To put it bluntly, what kind of salesperson do you know, what kind of basic knowledge do you learn. After-sales service. With this one

                  2022/03/19 HuanLi

                • How to pay equal attention to practical and beautiful electric telescopic door

                  First of all, the stainless steel electric telescopic door is firm and strong, and the anti-theft effect is good. In the production of materials, qualified electric telescopic doors are made of stainless steel plate materials, and the thickness of the steel plate is generally more than 1.5 mm, strong and firm; In terms of skeleton, the electric telescopic door structure design is compact, and it is not easy to open the lock by extending tools from outside; In terms of locks, stainless steel anti-theft doors are tested by the Ministry of Public Security testing center with anti-drill function anti-theft door lock. Combining these factors, it can be seen that the anti-theft function of stainless steel door is particularly good, and can protect the property of the company and other units. Secondly, stainless steel electric telescopic door is not perennial

                  2022/03/19 HuanLi

                • Parking gate price/parking gate function and movement characteristics

                  Optional vehicle sensor, so that the "auto brake", "anti-crash" or "brake automatic lifting lever" function. With rich bottom control and state return instructions, so that the charging system computer can make complete control of the switch. Other special functions can be added according to customer needs; Optional optical isolation long line drive to computer RS232-C serial communication interface. 1. Special rotation structure: no gear, no belt rotation, no maintenance, stable use, longer life. 2. Non - equal speed motion mechanism, fast start, slow stop, more stable operation. 3. The connected movable joints are installed with bearings and filled

                  2022/03/18 HuanLi

                • Electric telescopic door how much one meter

                  1, low grade door body price 400-600 yuan/m, middle grade 600-100 yuan/m, more than 1000 yuan/m; 2, track head 2000-3000 yuan, trackless 4000-5000 yuan. 3, a 12 meter telescopic door, choose the more common crown door series, trackless motor. Price is 700×12+4500=12900 yuan 4, electric telescopic door quotation: six hundred to three thousand pieces between one meter 5, aluminum alloy 340-980 yuan/meter single and dual track motor 1300-1500 yuan/trackless motor 2300-2500 yuan /

                  2022/03/18 HuanLi

                • What distinction do access control gate machine and access control system have

                  Gate machine, is a kind of mechanical hardware, mainly contains three roller brake, swing brake, wing brake, translation brake, full height rotary brake and other channel equipment; Access control, here refers to access control system software, is a complete set of entrance and exit control management system. From this point of view, access control system actually contains the gate, access control machine and other hardware. The installation of access control gate machine requires the matching application of access control controller and access control gate machine to achieve the purpose of intelligent management of entrance and exit.

                  2022/03/17 HuanLi

                • Charge booth maintenance

                  1, usually should give it clean and clean every day with a soft cloth to gently sweep the dust above the wall and the dust above the table and chair to keep clean. 2, use a clean wringing mop to drag the wall. 3. Do not use acidic solvent to clean the surface. 4, usually do not hang sharp items in the booth above let it bump, and scratch. 5, the surface grease, oil, lubricating oil pollution, with a soft cloth wipe clean, after using neutral detergent or detergent to wash. 6. If there is acid attachment, rinse with water immediately, then soak with ammonia solution or neutral carbonated soda solution, and then wash with neutral washing or warm water.

                  2022/03/17 HuanLi

                • "Lei feng" help customers authors synergistic zoomlion month can save electricity costs tens of thousands of yuan

                  "Lei feng" in customer distribution room to check the equipment situation

