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                • License plate recognition is expected to boost the industry

                  The common application of license plate recognition system is parking charge management. Integrated license plate recognition system, can automatically recognize license plates, passing vehicles through the crossing without stopping, that is, can realize automatic identification of vehicle identity, automatic billing. In the parking lot management, for the efficiency of vehicles passing through the entrance and exit, license plate recognition for vehicles that do not need to collect parking fees (such as monthly trucks, internal vehicles), the construction of unattended fast channel, card free, no parking access experience, is changing the management mode of access to the parking lot.

                  2022/03/25 HuanLi

                • How to apply the electric gate system

                  Road gate system is specially used for restricting motor vehicles on the road channel income and expenditure management equipment, is now widely used in highway toll stations, parking yards, residential areas, enterprises and institutions at the door, to deal with the income and expenditure of vehicles. According to the use of the gate, the gate rod can be divided into straight rod, 90 degree bending rod, 180 degree folding rod and gate, etc. Accounting machine management system? The system is the center of the whole parking lot, which consists of accounting machine, printer, communication line and software. The primary end of IC card textual research, monthly card processing, control signal receiving and sending, parking time and parking fee accounting, picture capture and flash and data

                  2022/03/24 HuanLi

                • How to install three-roll brake reasonably

                  In the communication with the customer to determine the plan, the width of the site, the length of the site, to determine how many machines can be installed, whether to choose vertical three roller brake, or bridge three roller brake, vertical three roller brake dimensions: 420x330x980(mm), bridge three roller brake dimensions: 1200x280x1000(mm), three roller brake bar to chassis size 510mm, that is, vertical three roller brake covers an area of 420x(330+510), bridge three roller brake covers an area of 1200x(280+510), in determining the selection of consideration of the gate and brake bar gap, each three roller brake covers an area, placed

                  2022/03/23 HuanLi

                • The license plate recognition system changes the way parking lots are managed

                  Intelligent license plate recognition system uses license plate recognition algorithm and can quickly recognize license plate information. Is the vehicle into the parking lot can pass without stopping, the entrance greatly reduces the vehicle waiting time. The system is generally composed of license plate recognition camera, related billing software, charging display screen and intelligent gate. Is the mainstream system of parking lot management, the whole system includes entrance equipment, export equipment, charge management equipment, image contrast equipment. Through the intelligent license plate recognition system, vehicles can pass in and out without stopping, and temporary vehicles can enter without stopping and pay fees automatically. The whole license plate recognition parking lot system has a simple structure.

                  2022/03/22 HuanLi

                • What are the main factors affecting the electric telescopic door in the residential area

                  Window-wall area ratio reflects the size of the window-wall area in a room. Window-wall area ratio refers to the ratio of the area of the window outside a building and the area of the wall where it is located. The window-wall area ratio should be determined by considering many factors, including sunshine conditions in winter and summer in different regions, outdoor air temperature, window area and building energy consumption. In terms of the opening form of the electric telescopic door in the residential area, the commonly used window type is generally push-pull window, flat window, fixed window and flat window. Want to consider from the structural design of the window above all, the structure of the window is having important effect to. If push pull window slides track to slide back and forth in window frame, there is bigger space on, the gap between pulley below, on window sash

                  2022/03/21 HuanLi

                • Color requirements for traffic signs

                  1. The warning slogan color of traffic signs is usually yellow with black edge or black picture. The collision is usually equilateral triangle with the top Angle up. 2, if the slogan of the traffic sign refers to some ban signs, the manufacturing requirements are white, red circle, red bar, black picture, during which some exempt from stopping overtaking, exempt from the planning of the speed limit sign for white, black circle, black bar, black picture, picture pressure bar. This kind of sign is planned to be circular, and the giving way sign is set as an equilateral triangle with the top Angle facing down. 3. The color of some directions in traffic signs is blue and white. The shape

                  2022/03/21 HuanLi

                • The three most common lines of road

                  1. Instructing vehicles and pedestrians on the line: the line is generally white dotted line or solid line, or yellow dotted line, playing a guiding role. 2. Warning line: warning vehicles or pedestrians to pay attention to danger, the general color is yellow. 3. Forbidden line: generally red line, not used much, are set in forbidden areas or intersections

                  2022/03/20 HuanLi

                • Making method of speed bump

                  In the road traffic accident prone area, often laid speed belt, to prompt and help drivers slow down, reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents. Speed bumps are generally plastic or cement speed bumps that protrude horizontally and are fixed on the road. When the vehicle passes through the speed belt, the driver often takes the initiative to slow down in order to avoid excessive vibration of the car, so as to achieve the effect of slowing down and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents. However, the reality is different. After speed bumps, even if the speed slows down, the vibration frequency will not be reduced significantly, and now the car damping performance is getting better and better, leading to the driver often ignore the existence of speed bumps and fast through, experienced

                  2022/03/20 HuanLi

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