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                Media reports

                • Beauty will be 33 Chinese entities on the export control "without verification list", including several equipment manufacturing enterprises, the Ministry of Commerce

                  The us Commerce Department announced on February 7th will be 33 Chinese entities on the export control "without verification list", the reason is that "cannot be satisfactorily completed the end user access and lead to its integrity can't verify".Chinese commerce ministry spokesman 8 is resolutely opposed to this.


                • Five departments jointly issued the "difference" modern integrated transport hub system development plan"

                  On February 8, the Ministry of Transport news: recently, the Ministry of Transport and the national railways, Civil Aviation Administration of China, national post office, China railway group co., LTD. Jointly issued "modern integrated transport hub system" difference "development plan" (hereinafter referred to as "hub plan").The hub plan is the first time by many departments jointly issued by the comprehensive transportation hub plan, has a strong creative and landmark, will promote the development of comprehensive transportation hub in China to a new level.


                • Five departments jointly issued the "difference" modern integrated transport hub system development plan"

                  On February 8, the Ministry of Transport news: recently, the Ministry of Transport and the national railways, Civil Aviation Administration of China, national post office, China railway group co., LTD. Jointly issued "modern integrated transport hub system" difference "development plan" (hereinafter referred to as "hub plan").The hub plan is the first time by many departments jointly issued by the comprehensive transportation hub plan, has a strong creative and landmark, will promote the development of comprehensive transportation hub in China to a new level.


                • Shanghai yu rong high-speed along the river 6 paragraph will open the comprehensive construction this year

                  Hubei daily) (trainee journalist Hu Yi, correspondent xiao-yong hu) along the high iron how to speed up the construction?On January 21, from the project owner unit along the Yangtze river railway group co., LTD., according to this year, high-speed along the river will have 6 period of construction.Except the last September 25, has the construction of wuhan to yichang section, years plan construction between Shanghai and hefei, wuhan, hefei to wuhan paragraphs hub for straight-through, yichang to fuling reach, chengdu-chongqing railway line (including ShiLing south station), and other five sections.High-speed along the river will be fully in large construction period.


                • Seam tracking application in construction machinery industry development

                  In recent years as the development of construction machinery, construction machinery industry product quality of weld the demand is higher, the welding quality is Paramount.So each manufacturer for more welding automation equipment, can make weld a control element, the application of automatic welding machine and welding robot driven by the development of the automatic welding technology in construction machinery industry


                • State in 2021 net profit of 1.8 trillion yuan

                  The central enterprise economic operation report 19, 2021, "released" : the annual business income is 36.3 trillion yuan, achieved year-on-year growth of 19.5%, two years the average growth of 8.2%;Total profit of 2.4 trillion yuan, net profit of 1.8 trillion yuan, up 30.3%, 29.8%, respectively, for two years the average growth rate of 14.5%, 15.3% respectively.


                • In 2021 the city of kunming sasac supervision enterprise revenue grew by 5.5% year on year

                  , according to enterprise financial letters by the end of December 2021, kunming sasac supervision enterprise total assets of 951.249 billion yuan, up 0.7% from a year earlier.Achieve revenue totaled 100.534 billion yuan, up 5.5%;A co-pay totaled 2.389 billion yuan, up 7.5% from a year earlier.


                • Beijing Olympics specific low carbon target? What are those?

                  As early as the beginning of the bid, the realization of green office Mr Is the promise of the Beijing 2022 Olympics.Especially, as China's commitment to "strive for 2030 carbon carbon neutral", 2060 years ago after the international sports event, the Beijing 2022 Olympics specific low carbon target? What are those?

